aq jumpe mnde ni on face book! so aq post laa,, hee~
S : ..membuat orang tertawa
I : ..manis dan romatis
T : ..senyuman yang menawan
I : ..manis dan romatis
N : ..pemberi ciuman yang bagus juga
U : ..disenangi oleh semua orang
R : ..seorang yang lucu
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila
I : ..manis dan romatis
D : ..kekasih yang terbaik pernah dimiliki oleh siapapun
A : ..seorang yang gila-gila
Assalamualaikum :)
hm,, aq bru dpt satu msg dri taffa,,
it says: " zie syg wan x? klw wan ade awek laen zie mara x?"
aq bce msg tuh kt skula,, time tuh tepon aq hang,, msg x smpai,, mse uw,, aq ter off tepon kt skula,, so aq on alek,, bwu la msg smpai,, even msg yg anja anta brhari2 yg lpas,, bru dpt,, ade 11 msg,, ade 2 dri taffa,, so aq ckp laa,, the one i love will be d first one i read, so aq bce,, 1 dye rep msg yg aq ckp aq buhsan kt umah sdare,, another one yg kt ats tuh la, lps tuh aq yg tgh lpak2 nan anja,, sharen, hadi, aten, hakim tros mud ksi tuka,, haiyaa! sday aq,, aq diam kn aje,, then aq bla,, lps tuh aten tnye aq nape? aq jus ckp xpape,, esok nye bru aq ckp,, dye swoh aq anta balek msg tuh kt tafa and mnx dye explain wt happen,, aq gtw syafi,, syafi swoh tnye taffa if dye ade gurl laen ke x? klw ade ckp je,, x mara,,aq balek tros pk psl tuh je,, xde mnde laen aq pk,, aq sday sanad aq cm dda ilang keyakinan diri utk hidup,, slame ny taffa yg aja aq erti ketawe dgn ikhlass,, xkn kli ni dye nk ajar aq ape tuh mnanges lakk,, aq twu dye x penah jnji yg dye xkn uat aq nanges,, tp ati sape yg ingin di kecewakn,, every time aq nk tnye dye, aq rse lose confidents and aq rse aq x kn dpt tnye dye,, aq tkot ilang dye,, aq syg sgt kt dye,, aq twu syalem akn sokong aq 100%,, tp keyakinan aq xde,, sory kwn2 aq xbole buat,, tp aq jnji 1 ari aq akn uat yg sepatutnye! hm!
hm,,well, aq twu btape miserable nye aq td,, tension laa kt skula,,
it all start from this hair, rmbot aq brminyak,, then aq lak da lmbt for gi skula,, jus bantai je laa,, rmbot minyak? xde haall[dlm otk pk cmtuh],, awl2 pkai 2dong da rse mlz nk pkai, cm s***,, MOTHERFISH CAKER btol!
but school is just school,, day must go on ryte? hm,, pe ley uat,, lenjann! then smpai skula je da twu,, today gonna be miserable!
smlm,, hri yg agk indah kot! aq tnye taffa dye syg aq x? haha,, aq expect dye akn gelabah nak jwb soalan tuh,, rpenye2 aq sndri x prsn dye jwb soalan aq tuh! sengal arn,, dye da nk ange aq tnye byk kli,,sory2 syg, xprsn laa,,
hm,, mse x prsn tuh, mule la aq pk yg mepek2,, dye xsyg aq laa, dye de pompan laen laa,, haha! bengong je rse,, haha! that was the most bengong tyme of my lyfe,, hakkhak..n d end of that day,, aq twu dye syg aq,, about x nk gtw kwn2 sbb kituwg cple uw,, dye jus tkot kitowg gdoh about that.. hehe,, I LOVE YOU SAYANG!
n today dye da mle pggl aq syg,, dlue first skali,, "kaw aq" je,, lps re-couple,, "sye awk" plak,, now,, "syg syg" plak,, haha,, xpe2, aq suke haha,,[ayda yg bengong],, haha,, I LOVE YOU SAYANG
esok klw xde hall aq nk jmpe tafa,, kli nie xde kompromi,, dye nk sgt jmpe bpk aq,,
xley nk hlang laa,, aq pon nk dye jmpe bpk aq gak!,, eish,, hrp bpk aq xkesah,, sbb aq btol2 syg mangkok hayun neyh! sieysly syg oke! I LOVE YOU SAYANGGG!
hm,, mse x prsn tuh, mule la aq pk yg mepek2,, dye xsyg aq laa, dye de pompan laen laa,, haha! bengong je rse,, haha! that was the most bengong tyme of my lyfe,, hakkhak..n d end of that day,, aq twu dye syg aq,, about x nk gtw kwn2 sbb kituwg cple uw,, dye jus tkot kitowg gdoh about that.. hehe,, I LOVE YOU SAYANG!
n today dye da mle pggl aq syg,, dlue first skali,, "kaw aq" je,, lps re-couple,, "sye awk" plak,, now,, "syg syg" plak,, haha,, xpe2, aq suke haha,,[ayda yg bengong],, haha,, I LOVE YOU SAYANG
esok klw xde hall aq nk jmpe tafa,, kli nie xde kompromi,, dye nk sgt jmpe bpk aq,,
xley nk hlang laa,, aq pon nk dye jmpe bpk aq gak!,, eish,, hrp bpk aq xkesah,, sbb aq btol2 syg mangkok hayun neyh! sieysly syg oke! I LOVE YOU SAYANGGG!
majlis tautan kasih ubk smkut!
musz gilerr! yeAH! i knoe,, dye tggi kn? bkn slh aq,, dye yg tggi,, hm? yelah2,, aq yg pendek sket,, tp dye mmg tggi! eish,, yela2 aq pendek aq ngaku! haha,, hm,, dye fun gilerr! siyes,, xtpu!,, mmg fun, dye fun thp dewa,, dye pndai maen gitar! besfren tafa! ade la sket comel,, tp muke byk jerawat! uups! hehe
hehe,, yg jantan sesat tuh nme dye awan! aq yg bg gelaran tuh,, aq buang Z kt nme dye,, mcm adq dye,, ali,, dye best,, dye pon fun,, mlot byk! sanad byk! dye responsible abes,, suke melawak! mmg besh arr,,
manan,, dye sumbonk tp be4 dis la,, dye besh gak,, suke senyum,, cume dye botak! haha,, be4 dis dye sumbonk uw,, nmpkaq pure2 x knl,, tp kt majlis ley borak2 lak arn? haha,, dye besh la! luve yu manan!!
aten!! haha,, mudak yg byk peminat,, tahniah! dye besh! sronok lepak nan dye,, cume yg x besh dye lw tension dye masam jea! muke cm nk maki org,, uwh,, dye matured la,, sbb tuh ley kwn nan aq,, lw x aq xde kwn uw! hehe,, i love you sygs!
i love you sayang,,
hehe,, klw ade webcam,,kowg msti tgk aq dok tersengih je skunk nie,,x kire bape byk kdit aq abes kt dye,, dye pon smpi abes kdit gak tuh! hikhik! smlm aq call x dpt,, that sofie tells him already,, huh! leganya dpt dgr sore dye alek,, sayang!! i love u la,, and td first time aq pggl dye sayang cmtuh je [ on phone mse uw] sblm ni,, jus pggl nme,, sye awk! lyke that la,, argHhh! senyum pisang aq sowg2 kt cni!,, sayang i love you seriously! hm,, dye tuh,, ntah la ea,, aq x twu nk ckp pe psl dye,, for sure aq mmg syg dye tw! aq chenta dye sorg!! sayang,, i love you,, tp esok dye xde,, aq cm pth hati gak,, suppose dye ade arn,, and smlm bkn dye x engat, dye da try call, tp slh num,, aq pki 012,, dye gi call 017,, sjk ble tah aq pki 017!, hm gle ar,, for sure dye ade effort gak nk call aq, kn syg? sayang i love youu! xpe, i jus mara sket je,, tp x ley lwn i hepi dgr sore you balek,,, care u cakap,, ur mak neneq!! n care u wat i senyum pisang, ur tawe2 pon i rindu! i rindu sume tuh! specially ur mak neneq tuh la,,! sayang i love youu!
tp aq dpt twu stu perkare la,, aq mmg x syak dye cmtuh,, tp dye da jdik seorg ahli asrama kn,, so aq risau la klw dye da jdik slh sorg r diorg, dye smoker, mule2 aq tnye aq msti la hrp jwpn nye x,, tp then dye swoh aq hold on jap,, dye ckp nan kwn dye lyke this; " dye tnye aq isap rokok ke x? dye swoh aq jwb jujor". then kwn dye ckp ape ntah,, xdgr sanad la,, prlhn sanad,, then line ptos2,, x dgr ngsong voice dye,, after few seconds bwu dgr alek,, aq ckp line ptos2,, dye ckp mybe slh dye,,, sbb dye kt tknik,, klw kt bndr sng dpt coverage,, back to d story,, dye ckp mmg dye isap rokok! aq trkejot! npe la dye wt cmtuh, tp then aq realize yg dye da ckp jujo nan aq,, dye x bohong aq,,
tp aq dpt twu stu perkare la,, aq mmg x syak dye cmtuh,, tp dye da jdik seorg ahli asrama kn,, so aq risau la klw dye da jdik slh sorg r diorg, dye smoker, mule2 aq tnye aq msti la hrp jwpn nye x,, tp then dye swoh aq hold on jap,, dye ckp nan kwn dye lyke this; " dye tnye aq isap rokok ke x? dye swoh aq jwb jujor". then kwn dye ckp ape ntah,, xdgr sanad la,, prlhn sanad,, then line ptos2,, x dgr ngsong voice dye,, after few seconds bwu dgr alek,, aq ckp line ptos2,, dye ckp mybe slh dye,,, sbb dye kt tknik,, klw kt bndr sng dpt coverage,, back to d story,, dye ckp mmg dye isap rokok! aq trkejot! npe la dye wt cmtuh, tp then aq realize yg dye da ckp jujo nan aq,, dye x bohong aq,,
B I R T H D A Y 2009
haha,, da tua da aq neyh,,hm,, aq da dpt wishes from kwn2 aq,,
tp sday ny org yg suppose wish aq awal,, xwish lngsong,, antare sume bestie aq,, ejam wish aq first, then followed by syafiqa, fatini! tu jeh bestie yg wish.. jihan x wish,, ah jid xwish,, aten x wish,, novika x wish!
ituh bwu bestie,, yg spcial; amen and taffa,, lg sday! amen,, x engat lngsong bufday aq!! saket nye ati aq neyh!! bufday dye aq ingat, wlu pon terawal 2 ari, tp aq engat! dye uwh lngsong x engat aw!!!!warghHH! sketnye ati aq neyh!!!!! tp ok la,, dye still wish aq and nyate,, wlu dye x engat bufday,, tp psl aq dye engat jgk,, kitowg be fren sjak prtghn mac 2008,, it is nice to to know him! hm,, ily syg!
nie lg trok! skunk pkol 11.28pm, aq still waiting for his call,,! aq da psn kt kwn dye td,, swoh on num dye n psn swoh dye engat kn TAFFA ari ni 13 oct! tp smpi skunk dye x contact aq,, aq sday larh! dye x engat ke? before dis,, dye da byk kali tnye bufday aq ble,, SAYANG WHERE ARE YOU? HARI-HARI BIASE U BOLEH CALL I! HARI PENTING U X CALL I PON! SAYANG! MNE U NEYH! I X KESAH U XJD OWG YG FIRST WISH BUFDAY I! TP AT LEAST, BE THE LAST PERSON LAA! SAYANG! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I REALLY,REALLY MISZ YOU! TEXT ME AND I WILL CALL YOU K! xoxo
haha,, da tua da aq neyh,,hm,, aq da dpt wishes from kwn2 aq,,
tp sday ny org yg suppose wish aq awal,, xwish lngsong,, antare sume bestie aq,, ejam wish aq first, then followed by syafiqa, fatini! tu jeh bestie yg wish.. jihan x wish,, ah jid xwish,, aten x wish,, novika x wish!
ituh bwu bestie,, yg spcial; amen and taffa,, lg sday! amen,, x engat lngsong bufday aq!! saket nye ati aq neyh!! bufday dye aq ingat, wlu pon terawal 2 ari, tp aq engat! dye uwh lngsong x engat aw!!!!warghHH! sketnye ati aq neyh!!!!! tp ok la,, dye still wish aq and nyate,, wlu dye x engat bufday,, tp psl aq dye engat jgk,, kitowg be fren sjak prtghn mac 2008,, it is nice to to know him! hm,, ily syg!
nie lg trok! skunk pkol 11.28pm, aq still waiting for his call,,! aq da psn kt kwn dye td,, swoh on num dye n psn swoh dye engat kn TAFFA ari ni 13 oct! tp smpi skunk dye x contact aq,, aq sday larh! dye x engat ke? before dis,, dye da byk kali tnye bufday aq ble,, SAYANG WHERE ARE YOU? HARI-HARI BIASE U BOLEH CALL I! HARI PENTING U X CALL I PON! SAYANG! MNE U NEYH! I X KESAH U XJD OWG YG FIRST WISH BUFDAY I! TP AT LEAST, BE THE LAST PERSON LAA! SAYANG! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I REALLY,REALLY MISZ YOU! TEXT ME AND I WILL CALL YOU K! xoxo
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