
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*



YAWW! haha,, aq suke ni pahal? ptotnye aq kne mara! grr! firstly,, about my haircut! warggh! shouldn't talk about this,, it is HORRIBLE! *is the spelling ryte?* sket pon xsame nan ape yg aq nk,, laen sgt.. mybe ade la sket same,,warghH! tension gua, wa ckp sama lue! eish! nk je aq maki batu tepi jln tuh! aq pon xtw npe aq nk maki batu, bkn org yg potong rmbot aq tuh? siyes ly,, 

but then,, aq pk2, its new year,

nk tgk? jap aq pk dlue sme ade nk tnjok x? mybe not now,, im really not ready for that kind of comitment! smpai nk tnjok rmbot? wow~! ade ke yg tgk blog aq neyh.. or aq jus ckp sorg2,, haha~! xpe,, its the best! i tell almost everything in this blog,, lw rmai sgt bce mati aq! bocor suda rahsia! hahaha,,
*eah suke nye aq tawe sorg2*

hey,, aq pkai inai!
haha ayt tuh.. mcm ape la,, byg kn korg ckp ayt tuh mcm kt dl filem dgn kwn2 kaw,, mcm kaw ckp kt mmbe korg yg ade sorg perfect guy ajk korg kuar.. haha klaka laa,,
but aq pkai inai and should be aq kne bkk after 2hours,, tp oleh sbb aq nie degil yg melampau,, aq pkai almost about 5 hours i think,,=} mampos kaw ayida! kaw nk naek skola neh,, merah abes,,
mcm org kawen tuh! kn merah abes,, aq pkai inai yg neneq aq beli kt mekah! mah aih,, asl effect dye mlampau! da la pkai sndiri,, comot2,, amek kaw,, ade yg merah gile,, ade yg oren je,, then i say to my self : AYIEDA, kaw ni mmg slekeh kn?,, haha
aida2! apsal la kaw nie,, org yg nme aida ni  sopan santun kaw tw x? da la kaw ade siti kt dpn,, siti tuh org yg bese kt kpg,, lmbut cermat, gilaan setiap jejaka! x caye/ kaw cube tgk siti nur haliza tuh! kn,, dye cun kn? perfect gituh!
tp kaw? da la mls,, cermat? haiyoo! sopan? tido trbongkang kalah kucing kaw tuh,,jejake? haha,, tuh no komen,,

ckp psl jejake,, aq teringat taffa lak..*jejake ke dye*
ntah la,, dye nice,, caring,, pndai brdikari,, but,, dye x salu ade utk aq,, and smpai skunk nie,, klw aq ckp nan dye, aq rse cm aq mseh lg crush dye,, rse brdegup2 tuh maseh ade,,means aq bkn cple dye, but jus crushes dye,, ntah la,,
but ayen salu dgr cite aq
* ayda kaw pkse dye dgr kn? pdhl dye da boring nk dgr cite kaw haha*

tp its not the same la,, dgn ayen keep laughing out loud,, dasar orang utan! haha,,

taffa the best,, first dye wt aq snyum dgn his bloody jokes,,then he lets me cry,, and cheer me up with sumtink that i dont knoe,, mybe his talk,, mybe his voice, mybe the way he is,, i dont knoe,, but he's special! *skali dye gune2 x? haha;]]*
pape pon, klw ade blog ni ade readers, jus keep reading,, i dont knoe why?, but if you dont read this blog, you wouldn't knoe the real me,, coz im not going to expose my self to the crowd out there,,

and thats it,, jus keep on smiling, cheer out,, stress out? make sumtink that could make you angry,, then you'll be lauughing out loud!




hey,, new year new HAIR! mybe for new year ni aq nk uat stu pnampilan bru,, aq nk rmbot pndek,,and suppose rmbot aq mcm kt ats nie,, da lme aq nk,, tp aq tkot nk wt kputusan,so, mak aq yg skunk ni tgh facial, jap lg sepatutnye akn bwk aq gi POTONG rambut dkt johor jaya, i kinda scared, sbb aq cm x yaken, aq tkot x jdik ape yg aq nk,, jus wish me ok,, hm,,, tkot gle,, yela,, mne la twu lngsong x kne nan aq,, da la aq ni xcntek,, kunk,, wt tah pape,, ntah cmne la rupe aq! wahhhh! takot la

PMR,, wow! spe sngke kejap je mse brlalu, taon dpan aq da PMR, wahh! megah perkataan tuh,, aq cm xconfident la nk test ni, 2010 aq da jdik senior beb kt skola! haha,, bngge,, welkk ;P  PMR cm ne klw aq xdpt,, geografi? aduh! mmg aq xnk jwb,, bole er?tension gile,, cm ne la nt aq nk jwb,, haih..


semua makhluk yang di ciptakan di dunia ini ade keistimewaannya yang tersendiri, walaupun sama spesies tapi pasti ade satu perbezaan yang istimewa diantara mereka

well! korg,, kehadiran x pernah di hargai,,

haha,, well nk story,, td ptg anta my new kitten[s] to the veterinary,im getting excited to see my "mr. philipines", JOE! haha,, as we [me and my father] get there, i saw the shop is closed already! wah! im a bit sad la cause cannot see my JOE! atoy, then ayah call joe ask about the shop,,  then he takes away  my KOPITIAM [my cats, KOPI and TEH].. me: what are going to do?,, ayah: i jus call joe,, dye kt upstairs,, im going to smile but afraid that my ayah sees me smiling! haha,,

then he comes,, wil a coca cola,, the silver can,, not sure what type it is,, but he gives me the can,, im getting confuse, JOE: minum la klw nk,, tp lps bg kucing mkn ubat bg balek aer ni ok!,
ME: [snyum pisang] is this a joke,,? JOE: noe la,, mnum la,,

waiT! i dont drink that water ok!

after he gave my KOPITIAM the medicine, i gave back his drink,, JOE: apela,, org da bg xmaw amek! i just give a chicky smile to him!;P

i took this pix privately k! oh MY~ i love his hair,, it makes him even cute!



BODO! internet bosan,, amek kaw,, ibu bg kaw maen ternet smpai mlm tnpe ade gangguan!!

huh! skunk kt opis,, td ad anta kopi nan teh g klinik mkn obat!! haha,, aq suke g sane mr. philippines kt situh cute aow! adus,, klw aq dtg je msti dyye ade,, da sebok2 kje dye gi counter kt situh amek ape yg bole di mkn,, haha,, lw dye mkn je msti dye swoh aq shh!, and senyum! haha,, suke2~ gedik tol,,

wahh! aq nk balek ni,, ayh tido agk nye,, bosan aow! aq bese lw boring kasi mkn! haha,, mne x gmok aq neyh! tp aq xkesah aq gemok,, aq suke,, sbb aq adalah aq,, lw aq kuros pon nk tyg kat spe? taffa? xpyh aq nk cucuk mate dye kasi bute,, jgn tgk pompan laen,, haha,, 

hm speaking about taffa,, td dye call,, dye pkai public phone,, haha adela sumthink yg aq ley uat mse borink,,
k arr,, ayah da jerit! nk balek suda,, haha., papai!


kadang-kadang kite x sedar yg ade org sgt mementingkn dri kite lebih dr org laen,

,aq rse cm tuh la,, it all about aq punye " bestie ", bestie la kate nye,, tp it just a word,, now i knoe that not everyone appreciate the presence of our selves, sometimes we should knoe how to fit in some situasion without hoping sumthink that are not even exist, yeah,, sound like heart breaks huh? yeah! thats it,, really break already,, 

n for you, "BESTIE", please tell me the truth, what do you expecting from me? a mountain of gold? all i want is a noble friendship between us that would make both of us happy to, sorry for being emotional, but there's one thing you should know, i had take a good care of you for about a year, and now i can see that you can take care of your own self by your own, so leave me just like you do to me earlier!


abang abes SPM

wahahah!hepy rase dpt tgk abg aq senyum relax,, dye da abes spm laa,
before this dye cam tension je,,

hm,, td pg celake menimpa,, wahh ayt? gile jiwang,, xdela,, spec aq tuh pth lakk,, dunno why,, mybe sbb pale expand kn? so dye pth,, tros call ibu ckp spec sula patah maa,, ibu ckp mai la dtg tiram,, aq jus ckp; tiramm? er,, tiram er? hm,, oke laa,,. then aq gtw my daddy laa,, dye dgn prangai dye yg saket ati tuh ckp oke,, aq tros mndi [pkol 3.30]haha,,
da siap pon aq tggu ayhanda,,tggu,,punye tggu,,punye tggu,, last2 ibu call,, dye ckp; " nk gi tiramm x? nk dtg cpt sket,, ibu byk kje neyh",, tnpa pk mse dpn,, aq pon ckp,, ayh lmbat sanad la,, neyh dye solat dlue,," dye reply; klw cmtuh tggu ibu balek laa,, t ibu bwk gi kdi cahya,, da lme gak x gi kdi uw," n aq snyum tnpe sbb?

haha ape la aq ney,,