
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*


Korean Invasion :)

Big Bang :D




Daesungieeee ~ :D



I have been keeping this for quite a long time. and never bothered to do something until last night. haaaa I personally like it. :D a lot.

Way-To-Bored Picture. 

Pasangan bahagia (?)

peace out :D


10 Ogos 2012

Lemme tell you this week had gone. It sucks chicken's d**k.

I never thought that I really gave up my school day for a person. yeah. so true. I intentionally left my Monday school for a person, for a call. which ends at about 10 am. haaa its fun though talking to you.

My Tuesday starts with my school assembly. I was about to get in the line, and out of sudden my name was called. I was called to be on the stage as a detention for my absence in Monday. I was like incredibly feeling stupid =-= that night, i got too much hit on Facebook. shut up shut up its embarrassing . Luckily my twitter are kinda privated. so yeah. haha

Wednesday, my day would be just okay in school. still got embarrassed for yesterday's issue. its a hot issue -.- decided to go to catch on something on the internet but too lazy to go home -.- so i go to cc taman intan with Suhai and Novi ( Kak Chik ). hmm balik tu, sadly, shockingly in bad ways - I got sexual harassment by a Indian man in a golden Proton Wira. but alhamdulillah nothing bad happen then.
# Seeing a boy with new hairstyle and glasses, you really looking good man.I am so impressed. Almost don;t know you. and this is my number, call me maybe? hehe

Khamis. hmmm what was it about eay? haa nothing much. sincerely nothing.

Friday. aku kesian tengok majlis iftar sekolah. yee boleh tahan orang datang. tapi kenapa? pelajar Form 5, Form 6 and Form 3. nak periksa besar, tapi langsung tak endah kan amal ibadah, walau pun sekadar sunat. aku bukan la pandai bab agama ni. aku jahil. 5 waktu tak cukup juga selalu. tapi sekadar menegur.

Hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih.

Siapa makan cili terasa pedasnya.


05 Ogos 2012

#budak tak sekolah. haha berkabung kekalahan Chong Wei. takpe, DLCW Hwaiting !!

tadi bosan, pastu kita google "ayieda hotaru" , "ayieda lambert", "siti nur aida" haaaa sronok tengok diri glamour , muahahaha and this is what i got :D

maksud nama Siti Nur Aida

Siti     :   Gelaran bagi perempuan
Nur     :  Cahaya
Aida   :   Keberuntungan, imbalan, hadiah

well :D
aku percaya nama aku. sentiasa percaya.
terima kasih ibu ayah :D

ini Ayieda :D sory gambar belum dapat hidayah. :p 

MHR <3

Abangku pengkid :O

Sepet Siput :O


2010 kot :D
December 2011 :D

*seronok kawan dengan awak budak kelantan :D*


I Believe In Lee Chong Wei

Twitter :

 ! :) Though he did not get a gold medal, he gained so much of support from us while Lin Dan received...cursing? lol

, Lee Chong Wei and Malaysians are trending worldwide :')

, Malaysians & Lee Chong Wei are trending worldwide! The power of DLCW and 28 million Malaysians.

This just goes to show that we CAN be united even without propaganda. . Have a good rest; watch Batman or something.

 for your GOLD! Because all we can see is not the silver, but yourself who is obviously a malaysian GOLD :D

 . Not did you just make Malaysia proud, you also brought us Malaysians together, in a way. We love you :3


03 Ogos 2012 - memories

hey, emotional post. some words. and memories :D

* note : aku gali folder laptop aku, gali myspace aku cari gambar gambar ni semua.

  • kita paling fed up tunggu budak budak gerak nak hang out. dari dulu janji pukul 11. sampai sekarang pukul 11 takpernah tepat. always lambat. at least 12 -.-
  • aktiviti yang dah jemu pun buat is main bowling. but no body get bored whenever semua dah pegang bola. semua excited gila :D haha sampai tambah bape kali game

  • Kita takde pegi tempat lain selain Jusco. kenapa pon taktau. even da plan banyak tempat lain. tapi satu pon tak jadik pergi. and lastly jusco juga. jusco tu da macam tempat kita.

  • sekolah, remember how cikgu denda ramai ramai? duduk luar kelas reramai. kene marah dengan pengetua sebab tak capai target RK. fail fail fail exam. haaa aku tak failed, tapi aku ada kat moment tu. sengal sangat.

  • kita keluar takpernah stylo sangat. semua sempoi je. haa paling over pon alyn dgn heels dia. haha

dari zaman handphone yang hanya berwarna, ke zaman HTC, Android and smart phone.
dari zaman camera handphone, camera digital ke DSLR yang beriban.
dari pakai tudung bawal, tudung sarung, ke zaman pashmina.
dari zaman berselipar ke zaman heels dan Vans.
dari zaman Friendster ke zaman timeline Facebook.

but in the end, it doesn't ever matter. tak kesah la pakai baju apa pun. kita tetap kita.
siapalah kita semua tanpa satu sama lain. kalau korang takda, entah apa aku buat sekarang.

yang aku tau, kita tak pernah berubah. yang salah masa. tak habis habis memisahkan kita. aku tak boleh describe macam mana korang semua bermakna pada aku. tapi ye, sangat bermakna. kalau boleh putar masa, aku sanggup. hanya untuk bersama korang lagi. tapi takkan berlaku la kan.

sekarang nak keluar pon susah, semua ada hal sendiri. tapi takpa, memang dah macam tu, kita takbole halang hak orang.

aku tahu belum habis sekolah lagi, so jangan complain aku buat cerita sedih tengah tengah bulan puasa ni. haha aku sayang korang semua :D