Aku memang suka kena marah. lagi lagi orang salah faham, pastu aku kene marah sungguh sungguh. aku memang suka. memang, aku gumbira bahagia kene marah ni. aku mang saja nak bua orang salah faham. memang sengaja suruh orang marah aku. aku kan memang takde perasaan.
aku nampak kejadian, aku dengar cerita. aku tutup mata . sakit hati aku, aku sorok. biarlah, aku taknak stress. buat aku macam ni? hm takpe laa. aku memang suka.
Assalamualaikum :)
27 Oktober 2012 - TweetLimit & Big Bang Alive Tour In Malaysia
Tweetlimit memang babi -___________-
hey guys. hari ni ada Big Bang concert at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. and yes! I am not going -.-
at first I was like, its okay, its okay. but then Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck -.-
but cannot go kan, alone -.- and what is left for me to do is, open up my twitter and retweet and fav everything i could. how ever. since morning, I've been tweeting a lot -.-and and and to retweet everything tonight is impossible.
for people who are not familiar with tweetlimit. Tweet Limit is Twitter thingy. It limits users from tweeting too much, cannot tweet, cannot retweet. ussually, malaysians got their own terms of twitter thingy. for tweet limit, they still call it tweet limit. for major countries (eg: US, UK), they call it "Jailed" means they are 'prevented' from tweeting as if they are in jail. thus, there are people, mostly fan-girls of a fandom, would have a 'jailed-account' which more to 'second account actually. they ussually got limit when they are trending their fan-thing, which always be done on twitter. examples ; Glamberts (Adam Lambert), Beliebers (Justin Bieber), Directioners (One Direction) . some says 100 tweets per hour is the limit. but if you read twitter policy, it says 1000 tweets per day.
sooo i dont know which one do i get limit from -.-. I was like. pffffft. I am so fucking desperate right now -.-
for how long . . . ? i dont really know. some says, just few minutes, to get it kinda relaxed a while. but now. . . . it almost a fucking hour ! -.- kuajo betul laa. gua dah desperate gilooo ni -.-
TweetLimit memang babi!
I cant tweet, I cant retweet. so I am fucking Favourite everything now -.- Bangang! next post, fancam on the concerto :D see yaa
hey guys. hari ni ada Big Bang concert at Stadium Merdeka Kuala Lumpur. and yes! I am not going -.-
at first I was like, its okay, its okay. but then Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck -.-
but cannot go kan, alone -.- and what is left for me to do is, open up my twitter and retweet and fav everything i could. how ever. since morning, I've been tweeting a lot -.-and and and to retweet everything tonight is impossible.
for people who are not familiar with tweetlimit. Tweet Limit is Twitter thingy. It limits users from tweeting too much, cannot tweet, cannot retweet. ussually, malaysians got their own terms of twitter thingy. for tweet limit, they still call it tweet limit. for major countries (eg: US, UK), they call it "Jailed" means they are 'prevented' from tweeting as if they are in jail. thus, there are people, mostly fan-girls of a fandom, would have a 'jailed-account' which more to 'second account actually. they ussually got limit when they are trending their fan-thing, which always be done on twitter. examples ; Glamberts (Adam Lambert), Beliebers (Justin Bieber), Directioners (One Direction) . some says 100 tweets per hour is the limit. but if you read twitter policy, it says 1000 tweets per day.
sooo i dont know which one do i get limit from -.-. I was like. pffffft. I am so fucking desperate right now -.-
for how long . . . ? i dont really know. some says, just few minutes, to get it kinda relaxed a while. but now. . . . it almost a fucking hour ! -.- kuajo betul laa. gua dah desperate gilooo ni -.-
TweetLimit memang babi!
I cant tweet, I cant retweet. so I am fucking Favourite everything now -.- Bangang! next post, fancam on the concerto :D see yaa
21 October 2012
Assalamualaikum. Hai. Saya Siti Nur Aida binti Nor Ahmad nak mengucapkan selamat hari raya, maaf zahir batin? eah(?) hahaha kk tak tak.
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Muka nak SPM :p fake kan? tahu dah :D takpe, sekali sekala pura pura sweet |
the one and only motive of this post is I nak cakap SPM 15 HARI JE LAGIIII~~
okay mood spm takmau datang lagi sedihh :( okay semangat tuh ada laa. whahaha, tak laa -.- hmmm i need to stop bit by bit on the internet social site. so currently, I rarely open up my facebook. tapi aku rasa aku seorang je macam tu. sebab yang lain tak kot, anything je "eah nt la aku cakap kat fesbuk" -__________- diurang tak faham aku ;|
so currently jugak, aku aktif twitter. kenapa? sebab twitter sms, so I am available for like 24/7 . anything? tweet me okay baby :D haha
aku merepek. doakan kesihatan, keselamatan dan kesejahteraan saya. I will keep updating here whenever i got time, cause I had lessen my time on the net, and more on the book. sooo wish me luck baby? okay saranghaeeee :D
* Imma be numb. Imma be dull. Just to keep us fit well, until the finals at least :') I trully loves you. Sayang awak Hafiz Rahmat :') *
for everybody yang asyik bertanya, jangan risau. saya okay. bukan masalah percintaan semata mata saya alami. banyak lagi, lebih complicated. tapi taknak risaukan siapa siapa. doa kan saya jaga diri saya sendiri elok elok. jaga diri awak semua juga yeee ? :')
Semoga Allah merahmati kita semua.
16 October 2012 - 5ASC Day :')
well jamuan kelas hancur, plan semua tak gerak, and ini je yang mampu kami buat as soon as possible to replace what ever is planned. :D
Location : McDonalds Ulu Tiram, JB. and some where in AEON Tebrau City.
Birthday 2012 :') - Happy Seventeenth
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budak budak tucen kasi :') maseh korang :') |
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ehemmm buat muka comel kononnya :3 |
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Overall dinner at ViVo AEON Tebrau City, JB |
Potong kek di Taman Kebun Teh, JB :) from left: Me, Ayah and dearest Tok Abah. |
Sesi Pengumpulan Hadiah :D
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Haaaaa these are all I get on my birthday :D |
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Novi Astika, thank you. this is sooooooooo damn special. Your face is totally gettin' in that! |
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Thank you Auntie :D |
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Thanks Ibu!! :D saranghaeyo! |
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Fakhira , Kyra Kyro kasi :D haaa comel sangat, thanks :D <3 |
hmmmm there are few more photos, but too malas to search and upload because mostly gambar di pasir gudang dalam BB ibu. twitter je laa kot, . Danga Bay walk, its a private practice :p haha okay bye~
13 0ctober 2012
hey hey hey :)
assalamualaikum. Happy Seventeen Ayieda Hotaru :')
okay tahun ni . . . . . . . . I REALLY LOVE THIS YEAR's BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION
previous post. aku ada cakap pasal aku update stats tu, and yes, diurang mang countdown birthday aku agak nya :'D
haha okay macam gempak sangat je -.- birthday aku actually on 13th October kan, but wat celebrated earlier than ever.
12 October, diurang dah wish aku nonstop kat sekola. kesian Amar Haqim, it was his birthday, tapi macam semua ingat birthday aku haritu. ofc orang kecoh kecoh, and luckily, no tepung tepung. nasib baik tak kene goreng weng weng . . :p malam dinner kat ViVo AEON Tebrau City with ayah and ibu.
13th, oleh sebab sabtu, and I already have my plan with family, soo no hang out. kite pergi pasir gudang, potong kek dengan Hariz Ridzuan. and malam itu Kak Aisah yang tersayang bawak kite ke Danga Bay :') best ada kakak ni :') abang dah call tepat 12, yelakan, ic gua, dia yang free call -.- so this year, i have no siblings with me :'( but its okay,
14th still ramai wish aku, all was like, "OMG semalam aku sibuk, tak sempat wish" "aku lupa, but hari ni ingat je terus rushing wish kau" hahaha sooo quite banyak laaa :) its okay, wish je laa. i wont mind :)
15th hari isnin :D kat skola, aku still dapat "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYIEDA BABY" haha okay okay, korang excesive sangat, terima kasih sebab wish, aku sampai lost words nak say thank you :') malam tu potong kek di Taman Kebun Teh, rumah Auntie Adik, Datin Norhayati Ramlan. I celebrate dengan ayah and tok Abah as well. :)
and yeahhhh, that is how it goes. seems like nothing kan? aku penat gilooo. next post gua upload gambar gambar :'D
assalamualaikum. Happy Seventeen Ayieda Hotaru :')
okay tahun ni . . . . . . . . I REALLY LOVE THIS YEAR's BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION
previous post. aku ada cakap pasal aku update stats tu, and yes, diurang mang countdown birthday aku agak nya :'D
haha okay macam gempak sangat je -.- birthday aku actually on 13th October kan, but wat celebrated earlier than ever.
12 October, diurang dah wish aku nonstop kat sekola. kesian Amar Haqim, it was his birthday, tapi macam semua ingat birthday aku haritu. ofc orang kecoh kecoh, and luckily, no tepung tepung. nasib baik tak kene goreng weng weng . . :p malam dinner kat ViVo AEON Tebrau City with ayah and ibu.
13th, oleh sebab sabtu, and I already have my plan with family, soo no hang out. kite pergi pasir gudang, potong kek dengan Hariz Ridzuan. and malam itu Kak Aisah yang tersayang bawak kite ke Danga Bay :') best ada kakak ni :') abang dah call tepat 12, yelakan, ic gua, dia yang free call -.- so this year, i have no siblings with me :'( but its okay,
14th still ramai wish aku, all was like, "OMG semalam aku sibuk, tak sempat wish" "aku lupa, but hari ni ingat je terus rushing wish kau" hahaha sooo quite banyak laaa :) its okay, wish je laa. i wont mind :)
15th hari isnin :D kat skola, aku still dapat "HAPPY BIRTHDAY AYIEDA BABY" haha okay okay, korang excesive sangat, terima kasih sebab wish, aku sampai lost words nak say thank you :') malam tu potong kek di Taman Kebun Teh, rumah Auntie Adik, Datin Norhayati Ramlan. I celebrate dengan ayah and tok Abah as well. :)
and yeahhhh, that is how it goes. seems like nothing kan? aku penat gilooo. next post gua upload gambar gambar :'D
6 October 2012 - Tepat sebulan sebelum . . .
Assalamualaikum :)
and I should do this earlier, but Imma busy person. sooo...
haaa nampak tak akak punya excited tu? haha okay nak buat acane kan? this is my favourite month of the year. haa tanya la kenapa. tanya laa. tanya laa :3
Hari lahir saya terjatuh(?) pada tanggal 13 Oktober 1995, so this month is so so special for me la kan :D
~october is my bias~ everytime any event on oktober rasa macam event tu serious special. this year, sorry sorry, I couldn't wish every person's birthday. hmm ;'( sedih tak dapat wish tau, the reason is tak bole nak onlin mcm selalu lagi dah. sbb SPM dah nak mai dah. and I got limit online. weekends only. sedihkan? tahu dah :(
13 October 2012 - Adam Lambert is scheduled to be at Melbourne, Aussie for a lil gig :'( wanna be there
13 October 2012 - Adam Lambert is scheduled to be at Melbourne, Aussie for a lil gig :'( wanna be there
hari tu, aku rasa aku ada buat satu statement tidak tahu malu serta mengharapkan perhatian orang ramai --"
hahaha then aku realize aku hide birthday aku di facebook so semua orang wondering around, lepas tu aku pun unhide birthday. so after fikir fikir, that is way too mencari perhatian -.- haha so saya minta maaf :|
anyway, Marlisa Farhana pun mula panggil aku "Miss Oktober" unknowingly the reason(?)
3rd October, is Ayah's birthday, how ever kita tak sambut sebab mungkin ayah sekarang mengalami midlife-crisis. so nak ajak makan luar tak mau, hadiah takmau, makan kat rumah sama sama takmau. behh -.- tinggal bertiga je kan. so agak kecewa jadi anak tunggul ni. tunggu je la birthday aku nanti muahaha :D
*p/s : Tepat sebulan sebelum . . . . . SPM :')
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