
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*


wah! sumtink makes me smile,,

jom keluar? : sory dear! MALAS!

haha,,, ape agknye yg uat aq snyum arn,, hm,, im less talking now,, missing school! hm,, ouh ya! im working,, sum kind of job,, yeah! im a assassin! haha,, bwu tgk td,, sengal tol! wah,, there are few pix of last day schooling,, i wil upload it later,, 

hm,, aq act a bit sad laa,, da nk masok form3 da,, then abes form 3 aq pon pndah! wahhh! sday! US? aduss,, nk pegi ke? kwn2 cm ne? mati laa,, xsnggop pegi,, taon dpn cuti 3 weeks pegi US tgk ijan konvo,, a.k.a. tgk tmpat tggl aq kt sne on 2011 nt,, aduh! mati laa,, aq cm xnk pegi,, tp tuh future aq! x ley wt ape laa,, nt je la aq decide,, xmao pk ag!nt2 je laa

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