
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*




then aq msok klas arn,, jus relax,, ckgu xde jap,, aq sgt stress cube ktawe2,, hilangkn stress,, amek kaw chegu sivik dtg , cik SITI AZARIA,dye marra aq,, 

aq x bwk bku tulis sivik! warghh! geram giler,, pdhl aq da lme siap arn,, dye blame aq abes2an,, then dye blah! aq x abes stress la weyh! that time was recess,, amek kaw,, org sume da ready nk chow,, bwk beg sume,, 

aq tgh gram niee,,! diam je la,, muke xley blah,, 
aten tnye : kaw nape weyh? 

dye ltk tgn kt bahu,, aq tepis ar,, x besh tgh ngamuk!

dye ckp ag : kaw mara nan aq,, 

aq ckp : xd mende la,, kaw kmas jela beg kaw,,!

 aq tgh stress dye tnye soalan x besh arn!,,mara nie,, then dak 3rkik dtg wt kcw,, aq jus diam je,, dtg kcw aq,, usik2 brg aq,, haih aq saba je dlue,, then dye usik2 bku aq plak,, da lbey arn! 

aq: eish! x payah la weyh! asl tgn kaw gatal sgt nk maen barang aq! xde kje,, xde pen sndri ke? xde bku sndri ke? 

dgn gamak nye aq mncampak pen! tros aq rmpas brg2 aq ,, diam! aq wt xtw jela,, mngamuk la weyh! xpk psl ati org laen,, si faten blah lw xslh,, ntah la,, aq x prasan,, then mybe that tyme anja and few kids nmpk and nk tgor aq,, but aten cover aq rse,, dye uat pangkah2 gune tgn,, tw x? silang kn tgn jdik X,, tw kn? bodo! dye org pk aq jus clash! haha,,

and dayaparan also kne mara nan aq that day,, then bile no one kt klas,, aq tggl sowg2,, cm nk jerit aq thn ni skola la weh!mse jln nk gi kntin tuh aq trase path dye jaoh gilerr! 

all the journey aq pk arn,, 
npe aq tengking hadi? 
asl aq wt aten rse brsalah? 
asl aq mara daya?

mken tension aq rsew!!,, smpai kantin sume budak tnye aq smcm,, aq da cm nk jerit je,, tp saba2,, mken byk soalan,, mken saba,, maken sebak aq jdik! 

then aq ckp pggl jihan,, 

then novi ask again : ape?* 
aq dgn mara nye ckp : PANGGIL JIHANN!* 

trjerit sket that tyme,, ramai yg dgr kot that tyme,, sbb a bit snyap that tyme,, then novi tarek  jihan jumpe aq,, 

aq nmpk jihan,, tros hug dye kuat2,, nanges la weh!! basah basah! haha,, 

then sume ckp: ya allah aidaaa!* 

jus ignore,, jihan bwk aq ke some where else,, dpan surau nye pondok! aq cite all kisah ni kt jihan,, nanges bagai nk gilerr a,, da abes nanges,, then je novi, jid, dtg,, hug mee,, jihan cite kt diuwg but not in front of mee la,, 

then only diuwg phm,, wahh! that tyme mken aq kuat nanges,, touched la siakk! sume ckp,, 

: its okay* : xpe2 nt diuwg phm la tuh* 
: da da, jgn nanges* 
: aida kaw bkn cm ni la,, kaw bese kuat semangat!* 
: xpe da kaw stress nk PMR je tuh! *

releave sgt that tyme,, aq dpt rse sape kwn aq that tyme!
then everybody starts gathering in the hall,, aq pon join je la,, dgn mate merah,, tudong jihan basah la seyh,, 
some one is staring at me,, but im not in mood to see who is it!jus diam,, but then,, 

after this and that,, aq da ok! jus fine,,  kitorg kne kmas krusi kt blakang hall,, ramai gler la seyh,, rebut2,, aq neyh stress blom abes 100% kunk ade kne maki so jus diam,, 
dok mls jln,, half way je,, aq stare kt satu hall tuh! then ade sumone tegor aq,, dye ltak krusi blakg aq,, aq tgk then it is hadi,, ;[

then brmula lah hidup spt biase,,

but at the nyte anja text,,
anja: asl aq cm plek je mse rehat? kaw clash ke?
aq reply : aq plek ke,, kaw nk aq clash ke?
anja: xde la,, taon lps xde pon kaw cm tuh! bese nye org da clash laen sket!
aq: sok la aq cite ea?

then ayen send ym kt aq
ayen; kaw npe?
aq: xde stress sket
ayen: apsal? cite la,, salu kaw cite kt aq, cite la weyh cite laa,,
aq pon cite but sket je,, then mak aq tutop streamyx,, aq pon pth hati,,
aq text ayen ckp nt aq cite kt dye kt skola!haha


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