
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*


30 January 2011

hye ! this post today, i wanna share photos (only), no stories, no main subjectives, just for fun photos :DD

if anyone ask me this question, this would be my answer : ]

Adam Mitchel Lambert :] idk how old is he when this picture taken,
but this is far away from he is now, 
this picture show he when he was still blonde and a chunky boy !
reminds me of Syafi Haiman personally :DD

taken on 27/12/2010
Siti Nur Aisyah, one and only adek (human) haha :DD
saje je nak tayang, sbb aq capture lawa laa :D

ahhh ! malu je aq buad kacaw dalam gambar ni ,
isn't it good if Saajidah pon ada dalam gambar nie :|

Raya 2009 :D

kunang kunangan 2RKiK

zaman xreti balek rumah lepas sekolah :DD


Adam Lambert :D

Happy Birthday DOLL!
wish you totally great birthday,
i hope you read this
all i want is,
You know me :)

on my 15th birthday, 13 October 2010,
i would say you are my birthday present by the universe,
it so wonderful when i could say,
that night was the first time ever i heard you real well,
before that, i just heard your name,
but never bothered

and i totally regret it :(

adoring you were tough at first,
well, people keep denying it,
i really hate it !
no one around me that adore you like I am,
and some started to label me sumkind like doing a horrible thing :|

well, typical Malaysians,
you might remember how is it when you are doing your concert here,
with all that protest, huh -.-"

and I started thinking,
i'm a freak, i'm weird, i'm different
and almost try to forget you,
just because of those peeps,

but then i heard your amazing voice singing Aftermath
i was like "what the hell am i doing? people gonna talk forever"
i realize that it is my own right, to love or to hate any thing,

and now, when people deny you,
I might be mad for a while,
but then i just say that they never gonna know what i see in you,

i started to join twitter and
found that there are so many people just like me
adoring you !

I'm in the community,
that i can talk to, about you,
without feeling strange
and as a Malaysians and a high school students
it really improving my English at the same time,
haha :D

the glamberts are all super duper nice and sweet !

i am not that different actually in the aftermath

this wasn't an inspiring story,
but feeling alone, it wasn't a great thing,

but now, i get over those time :D

this is just a story, how i get to know Adam,
and how i get over it, that's it :)

i just hope you read it,
and know me, 
a sixteen years old girl in Malaysia,
named Ayieda :)


26 January 2011

heyy everybody :D
okay homework xbuad langsung lagy ni, and tersangat la malas tahu ?
mendengar Adam Lambert je dary tady, haha
anyway, baru balek ni, dari kuar makan,
yumm ! sedap gila chicken chop,
haha, ayieda poyo !

okay sekarang ni kecoh kecoh nak pindah segala gaban,
okay totally sedih, but nothing can do kan?
orang laen sume buad muka sedih, takkan ku pon nak buad muka sedih,
mesti mereka mereka yang nak pergi tuh rasa kecewa frustfrust kan?
jadi, we need to be strong to make them stronger :D

okay now i wanna show you guys what happen in his everyday life,
see this picture below :)

in everyday of his life, this what he gets, always !
those words, it is totally harsh right?
who he sleep with, it always been a matter,
aww cumon ! get a life haters !
but he is wise, he just ignore it how ever :D
that makes us, Glamberts love him moree !


Who's your "glam nation" soulmate? -

Who's your "glam nation" soulmate? -

that's hot <3
enen though it just a quiz,
but who cares when you got ADAMMMMM!!!!!


23 January 2011

Friends in need is a Friend Indeed

okay, hey everybody !
hari ni would be a day that i need bestfriends the MOST !
if anda baca post pada tarikh yang sama tahun lepas anda tahu lah yaa!
post itu masih ada anda masih boleh carik di blog ini ,

tapi sorang pon takda !
semua sekali tiada !
and perkara atas tuh aq pendam sorang sorang ,
maybe aq mmg xpatot la nak cerita dgn orang lain kan?

tp kes kedua ni,
malam nie aq mula percaya dengan kekuatan persahabatan,
tapy kawan kawan aq sendiri mengecewakan aq,
dalam kes nie aq tak salahkan semua
tapy classmates je

aq mintak tolong ,
semua tak tolong !
aq da macam apa,
pastu yang aq dapat apa?

"xpayah buad la, aq pon xbuad langsung"
"xpayah buad la, kan xdapat kertas"
"buad esok jela, sama dengan aq"
"cakap je xsempat"

KE**** **A* KAW !
tak guna la kalaw ada kawan macam nie,

aq xfokuskan bende ni pada satu orang sahaje
sapa makan cili, terasalah pedasnya,

aq sakit hati, kalaw nie la "persahabatan"
yang aq kenang, yang aq hargai,
yang kaw orang like2 dekat facebok tuh,
kaw orang pk la sendiri,

special thanks to

Nur Fazlyn Razaly
sebab tolong aq at the end, thanks SO MUCH!
i really appreciate that !
totally <333

Noor Fatini Zakaria
thanks kaw sudi tolong aq even siket jee,
aq still hargai taw !

Norsyafiqah Noraini
thanks kaw dengar aq maki2 orang lain,
naseb baek kaw ketawa, kalaww tak,
memang straightly kaw dengar je la maki aq sampai abes :DD

Hanis Suhaila Saleh
thanks bagi aq number Alyn,
kalaw tak xtaw la camane jadik nyaa

back to a punch line
malam nie aq mula percaya dengan kekuatan persahabatan
maybe aq kena fikir seratus kali sebelum betul-betul percaya


lama tak update :DD

aww, Muzamir Yatim dengan Saajidah Sidik dapat SBP :'[
woaaa ! jeles tuh sedikit laa, but yang lebih penting,
we gonna lost 'em ! awww,
berat nyaa haty nak lepaskaan diurang duaa !
:''{ all the best guys !
kaw orang KALAU pergi, jangan lupaa kita orang yaa !
nt balek, kita hang out macam selalu okayy ?

* i  do not own any copyright, all right preserved :DD

this really remind me when i first got the offer to SM Teknik Bukit Piatu , Melaka
tapy aq xgempak sangat macam kaw orang punyaa,
haha , confused mmg confused, x tipuu


8 January 2011

mari berbahasa Melayu :) [ google translate it ]

saya harap, selepas anda baca post ini anda faham keadaan, dan kurang menyampah apabila membaca, saya cuma seorang manusia biasa, yang ada kalanya nampak tersenyum dan gembira bersama rakan-rakan, namun tiada siapa yang tahu kisah sebaliknya :)

baiklah, rupanya ada juga orang yang menyampah apabila saya berbahasa Inggeris,
maafkan saya kalau begitu,
saya sudah terbiasa berbahasa Inggeris :)

begini ceritanya,
saya selalu ber-facebook, tapi tiada satu orang pon mahu berbual dengan saya, -.-"
saya rasa tersisih, betul tak tipu,
kadang kadang sakit hati, tahu?
maklumlah, saya tidak cantik, siapa yang mahu berbual bukan?
bukan sahaja orang luar, malahan kawan pun tidak mahu berbual dengan saya juga
jadi saya buat apa yang saya suka,
mencari lebih banyak tentang Adam Lambert,

saya mempunyai rakan-rakan seperti homophobic*
maaf kalau anda tak suka / tak dapat terima apa yang saya katakan
tapi sejujurnya, begitu bukan?
jadi saya tiada teman untuk berbual-bual

dan saya dapati Twitter adalah tempat yang agak menarik untuk berbual tentang Lambert,
saya seperti berada dalam komuniti saya sendiri,
dan kebanyakkan mereka orang luar negara,
jadi saya perlu berbahasa Inggeris untuk berbual,
secara tidak langsung melatih diri untuk memperbaiki bahasa Inggeris saya sendiri
dan akhirnya terbiasa,
tambahan lagi, aktiviti sebegini mendorong kecenderungan saya dalam meminati / menggilai Adam Lambert

jadi apabila saya bercakap, kadang kadang saya berbahasa Inggeris,
sudah terbiasa berbual dengan ahli Glambert / Glamily yang lain berbanding dengan orang Melayu yang saya lebih kenali.

dan kini, blog ini telah di baca oleh orang luar negara, sama ada anda percaya mahupun tidak, tapi itulah kenyataannya, tapi bukan lah ramai orang,
jadi saya perlu berbahasa Inggeris supaya mereka faham .

saya harap anda semua faham :)

to informative anonymous

hey, guys ! a post already privated, if u noticed :)

okay, since i got my iPad, i'm less online by the laptop, so i'm gonna rarely (not really) updating my blog and stuff,
so now at 12 , i just online by laptop, and i noticed this comment from an anonymous 

An Anonymous said...
Mmm If you're addicted to him, I should tell you that he DOES NOT want these pics online.. they were taken off his private facebook and he's really upset... jsyk,

okay ! thanks to you for the information, i felt bad for Adam , seriously, u have already post it about three days, and i just new bout it,

so , if you ( this anonymous ) read this, i wanna talk to you , please ! i wanna know you !


6 January 2011

yes. it's the worst day ever .

nothing more, nothing less .



4 January 2011

Four science account :D

Yeah! First day schooling,
can't even stop smiling, LOL, man the happiness meeting friends back,
hee I loikeee , haha
Well as usual, asyik la nak ketawa, namaku berulang Kali dipanggil,
aq pon da naek malu dgn name aq, haha,
mana tak nye, satu dewan dgn budak petang naek pagy,
Takpe takpe, famous akuh, haha

 The new canteen are shucks !
I don't know if I have to survive for a year of starvation
yelaa, semua orang berpusu-pusu beli makanan, -.-"
adoy, apalaa sekola nie, hais,
xpee, aq sabar, aq sayang SeMeKUT ni :DD

Ouh yaa, orientation,
Haha, sumpah, kalaw da namanyaa orientation, memang dikanakkanakkan laa,
kena follow all the teachers instruction , yelaa, budak "baru" laa katakan

And balik sekola, man!
Benda yang xpatot jadik on first day schooling, 
Ouh bb its raining raining, kuyup aku, haha, 
and every time hujan, why aq mesty dgn budak tuh? 
And if aq story kat budak JJ1 tuh confirm jealous haha :D 

And starvation things, 
Amer Dan Hadi kuh yang paleng aq sayang, korang ckp KFC kan? 
Haiss yelaa, korang menang , laen Kali jangan tukar plan last minute eah darling? 
Anyway, Cheesy Zinger Crunch memang delicious :D 


Okay, today is better, namakuh memang panas, semua nak sebutt, haha 
And as what I expected, I got science account class, memang in blood laa, 
And Mathematics is my things :D 
Aq xnak fight for Biology class, i can't survive punyaa! 
Er new class, Puan Federick Mary :D 
She doesn't seem so friendly, but I know she wasn't dat bad, 
Haa! Budak budak ni semuaa, mengada ngada, sebut name aku, 
So aq jadik president class, ceh nak president jugak eak? 
Gedik mengada ngada, LOL ! 

 *p/s : Nama Siti Nur Aida memang panas kat SeMeKUT nie, haha :D


For Your Entertainment :DD

okay, as if u guys da baca, i hang out with friends, and after movie, dunno what to do, so i and Saajidah pusing pusing , window shopping :DD
and we decided pergi Harris Book Store, and surprisingly Adam's first album (that i thought sold out) has one (only) left there, so i'm not wasting any time now, i just take it, and borrow RM5 from Saajidah, (total broke),
so here it is, For Your Entertainment by Adam Lambert


30 December 2010

okay, as I banyak sangat idea nak menulis, apakata I xpayah tulis full description on what happen 30 December hari tu, nanti melalut jee, so watch this :DD

kami makan di Pizza Hut, tak banyak gambar dapat di selamat kan,
banyak blur, maklum laa, kami semua masih amatur :DD

di RedBox, menyanyi sakan, terpekik terlolong macam ape suda,
buad mcm kat rumah sendiri jadi semua jadik serabai sedikit haha :DD

then tengok wayang :DD

less activity, less people, but double happiness 
more picture here: