
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*


Selamat Hari Malaysia

Selamat Hari Malaysia

Happy Malaysia Day

So so so so so happy to see it trending World Wide on twitter. Unexpected, SERIOUS :D
(no screen cap pulak, malas -.-)
so yeah. semoga Malaysia kekal sebagai negara bebas dan kukuh berdiri.
masalah politik ketepikan sebentar. 

Malaysia bukan kerana pentadbir, Malaysia kerana rakyat pecinta negara :')

16 September 1963

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