
Who's Laughing Now - Jessie J.

Assalamualaikum :)

A little something about me you can't deny :]
Addicted to the one and only Mr. Adam Mitchel Lambert
I may annoy you a lot
Haters, shut your mouth, it doesn't worth it.
Leave comments after post or by the formspring box there :]
Relationship status - I'm dating someone :D
English > Malay *sometimes*


7 JUNE 2010


smlm suppose to be hari yg  beshutk aq,,
guest what i lost my cooper,, yeah! cooper is a new thing in my life
but i lost it so fast,, ;{

xsempat ade satu gmbar pon,,
plus i attached keychain yg beli wif ahjid tuh skali,,
but lost suda
that's the sadest part! ;{

would rather lost a keychain and COOPER than lost my bestfriend


haha,, first time ever maen an an, best yaw,,!
my suppose first role, taken away by sharen,
adoyt, nervous nk abes, best seyh,, 
dye jatoh 8 pin,, welk!

then maen maen maen maen,
hm, strike tetibe an an,, haha! xcm best lak,,
aq da sket nye bangge!

then second frame, konon bet dgn hakem,, start wif 20points,
but hakem dye ley lajak gi 27 points
blasa ar,, pe lg,, blasa blasa,
skali kt blakang taffa tgk nak gelak jep,, haha


then pegi la jusco,,
wif taffa ofc!,
jed ade snap pix, but didn't get it yet,, 
bile da jumpe taffa lupe nk mnx gmba,,
hehe ;]]
walk around wif taffa, adoyt,
aq segan!!

sronok dpt jmpe dye,,
mmg sronok gile ar,,
angau aq dibuatnye!

4 ++ pm..
i got a call, but it was missed,,
so i try to call back,,

: hello ibu, ade ap call,,
: angah kat mane?
:angah kat jusco neyh, apsal bu? asl ibu nanges?

:da shuh shuh! pegi balek!
: uik! menghalau nmpk
: hm bagozla lw phm ke halau ;D
: haha,, k r bye

depan operation room,,

: helo aten?
:helo aten bzy ark?
: x x kaw nape nie?
:mak aq ten, mak aq, dlm operation room,,tulang dye teraleh mse jatoh,
skunk kt dlm aq xley masok,, aq xsuppose pegi boling td,,
if not dye msti oke je an,, sume sala aq,,
:stop blaming urself, bkn sala kaw,,
: hm,, but u see,, td kite sronok kn? n kaw prasan x,, tgn aq saket mse boling,,
:hm,, yeah,, be strong!
  • Pesan TAFFA :  hm saba saba,, byk kn doa, jgn seday sgt, insyaALLAH xde ape tuh, jap lg dye sehat alek,, jgn slh kn diri k!
  •  Pesan FATIN : hey,, stop blaming ur self, jgn pk cm tuh, maybe ne ALLAH nk tnjok kt kite,, lw have fun jgn lupe org laen, ko kne kuad oke? ko kn HALF MEN, haha jus kidding, saba je,, ingat ALLAH,, insyaallah dye okie!
  • Pesan SHAREN : ohh kesian, kaw saba er? kim salam kt dye,,
  • Pesan JED : hm, kaw jage la dye baek2, aq tw kaw susa at, tp jgn slh kn dri kaw jee,, ape yg aq ley uat is just bg secebis n doa je,, sowyy,, relaxx er,, aq doakn yg terbaik utk mak kaw!
  • Pesan HADI : Ya ALLAH, kaw saba ea,, bkn slh kaw tw! mnde nk jdik mne ley ubah, byk2 kn saba, insyaALLAH xde pape,, nt dye okie, kaw saba ea,,
  • Pesan NOVIEY : mak kaw cmne? trok ea? hm,, suroh mak kaw byk2 mkn k, kasi tenaga,,
  • HAKEM : *dye xpesan pape, dye byk tnye jep,, ;]*

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